60 Free Summer Holiday Activities for High Energy Kids

I know you; you’re Every Parent, and you’re looking for free summer holiday activities.

So the end of term arrives, and schools decide to do that awkward thing where they do a half-day, just to really confuse every working parent that little bit more… and then what?

Portrait Of Children In Their Graduation Outfits

What happens next is a perpetual chorus of “Mum, what are we doing today?” And “Dad, can we do something fun today?”

It’s not in the spirit of ‘positive parenting’ to say “nothing, go away” or “no, leave me alone for five minutes” respectively.


So in the spirit of ‘being nice’ combined with the sheer desperation for the howling chorus to shut up for just five minutes, you get in the car and drive somewhere hideous and noisy. It costs a tenner entry per adult and probably just as much or even more for anybody that dares to be over the age of 2 and might find enjoyment in the establishment.

Summer is over and you’re skint. And you didn’t even go abroad because it costs an extra eleventy billion pounds per person to travel in July and August. The worlds economy is hell-bent on causing stress and anxiety in all parents of school aged children.

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Perhaps with the goal of controlling over-population by putting them off having any additional little darlings…

So, with the summer holidays looming, here are 60 free summer holiday activities to entertain your kids…

Free Summer Holiday Activities

Free summer holiday activities


Let’s try and use up old junk, things around the house, and get the kids creative juices going. I remember spending literally hours at the garden table taping recycling together to make robots… surely the ultimate free summer activity?

1. Make a robot out of the contents of your recycling bin 

2. Paint rocks using acrylic paint pens

3. Learn origami

4. Build an obstacle course out of things in your house or garden

5. Paper airplanes

6. Cardboard box castle

7. Sock puppets

8. Learn finger knitting

9. Home made play dough

10. Write a story

Woman and Child in Helmets Riding Bike in Park


Because I know that sometimes, you just gotta leave the house. I understand cabin fever with kids, and I’m here to help you step outside the door, leaving your wallet behind…

1. Visit a free, local museum

2. Explore a local splash park (as far as free summer holiday activities goes, this one is our favourite!)

3. Go for a walk and collect nature items

4. Take a board game to a local park or green space

5. Go for a bike ride

6. Take your lunch (or breakfast or dinner!) to a local beauty spot to eat for a change of scenery

7. Visit the local library, they often also hold free kids activities

8. Go Geocaching

9. Local community events

10. Fruit picking at a nearby farm / orchard

Free summer holiday activities


All kids want to do is play, so if we can tap into that, we can get them to do anything! Try making something that has been on your to-do list for ages into a game; it’ll be more effective than you think…!

1. Do a scavenger hunt

2. Do something weird (for example, letting them play with cooked spaghetti or baked beans in the bath tub!)

3. Empty out the toy cupboard or shed and let them discover forgotten toys and games

4. Back garden camp-out for the night

5. Outdoor games such as frisbee, tennis, gymnastics, lawn boules etc

6. DIY science experiments

7. DIY mini golf in your back garden

8. Water fights

9. Build a fort

10. Fly a kite

Father Teaching Daughter Baking

Cook & Bake

And if you get to eat the spoils, even better….

1. Fruit salad

 2. Cakes (obviously!)

3. Home made ice cream

4. Milkshakes or smoothies

5. Ice lollies / ice pops

6. Lemonade

7. Cookies

8. Peppermint creams

9. Home made soup

10. Salads for a BBQ

A Girl Doing the Laundry


Let’s be honest, the summer holidays can’t be ALL fun and games, life has still got to happen, so get the kids involved with those big tasks you’ve been putting off for months…and months…

1. Wash their bikes or garden toys

 2. Help declutter and tidy the shed or garage

3. Wash the car

4. Declutter their toys

5. Gardening jobs

6. Help to hang laundry to dry

7. Clean windows

8. Paint the fence

9. Learn to use the washing machine

10. Make a family chore chart

Charming Child Sweeping Concrete Pavement with Broomstick


If you’re lucky enough to have a garden then you’re all set! If not then try asking family if you can borrow theirs for the day, or take a trip to the local green space instead.

1. Help to cut the grass 

2. Collect grown flowers or veggies

3. Build an insect hotel

4. Have an outdoor movie night (you’ll need a projector for this, though!)

5. Stargazing at night

6. Make bird feeders ready for winter

7. Outdoor painting / sidewalk chalks

8. Clean up outdoor furniture

9. Plant a bee garden (bee-friendly flowers)

10. Re-pot houseplants

Boy Wearing Green Crew-neck Shirt Jumping from Black Stone on Seashore

So there you have it, a buck-load of free summer holiday activities to inspire you.

I hope that helps to make your Little Darlings summer holidays a little less ‘boring’, and leaves you with a slightly fuller wallet come September…

If you have any free or low-cost activities of your own, feel free to share them in the comments so that we can all join forces during this terribly difficult time of year, commiserate, and clink gin glasses together once this nightmare is over!