<![CDATA[How To Have a Tidy House as a Busy Mum: The Stress-Free Guide]]>

Hey busy Mama, let’s talk about how we can make our house a happier place for the whole family (and your life a whole lot easier!).



One of the simplest (but surprisingly most effective) solutions is to spend a little bit of time every day to tidy up and reset our living space. Tidying up is not exactly anyone’s favourite thing to do, but when you add kids to the mix, it can get downright chaotic. I’m here to tell you that tidying with kids can be a stress-free activity if you approach it in the right way.



Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Who has time for that? My schedule is already maxed out!”.



I hear you, but hear me out: dedicating even just 15 minutes a day to cleaning and organizing can make a big difference in how we all feel about our home. First of all, when we keep our living space clean and neat, it’s easier to find what we need and feel more relaxed in general. Plus, it sets a good example for our kids when they see us taking care of our surroundings.



First things first, make it a routine. Kids thrive on routine, so establish a time of day to tidy up together. It could be right after breakfast or before bed; whatever works for your family. The key is to make it a consistent part of your day.



Next, make it fun! Bring out some upbeat music and turn the tidying into a dance party, or make it into a game by timing how quickly everyone can tidy their toys off the floor. You’ll be surprised how quickly your kids get excited about cleaning up.


Another important aspect is to create a designated place for everything. If your kids know where things are supposed to go, they are more likely to put things back where they belong. Use labelled bins or shelves to help your kids identify where items go.



Make it an opportunity for learning, too. Teach your kids about responsibility and caring for their belongings. Talk to them about the importance of keeping a clean and tidy space for their own health and happiness.



Lastly, reward them for their efforts and let your kids know that their hard work is appreciated. They may well have made all of the mess in the first place but the sense of achievement they will feel from contributing to the tidy household and receiving praise for it will go a long way.



I mean, they will still make a mess again tomorrow but… if you can’t make a mess when you are a kid, when can you?! As long as they learn to clean up after themselves, they’ll develop into responsible and reliable adults one day. Job well done, Mama.



So, what might this daily tidying routine look like? Here are some ideas to get you started:




1. Make beds first thing in the morning: It’s a small task, but it makes a big difference in how tidy the whole room looks.



2. Do a quick pick-up before bed: Spend a few minutes each evening putting away any items that have been left out during the day. This can include toys, books, clothes, and dishes.



3. Wipe down surfaces as needed: Keep a cleaning cloth and spray handy and take a few seconds to wipe down counters, tables, and other surfaces as needed. This keeps our space looking clean and fresh. Get the kids to wipe down the dinner table after use whilst you do the counters. There is no harm in having a few cloths and cleaning sprays for everybody to get involved with, or take turns.



4. Set a timer for larger tasks: If there are bigger tasks that need to be tackled, like cleaning the bathroom or vacuuming the floors, set a timer for 15 or 20 minutes and see how much you can accomplish in that time. It’s amazing how much can be done in a short amount of time when we’re focused! Add in music and dancing to make it more exciting for children. Setting two kids with different tasks can keep them from squabbling too; perhaps one can pick toys off the floor whilst the other pushes a hoover around (even if you have to re-do it afterwards to do a proper job of it!).



5. Even if you don’t get everything done each day, don’t beat yourself up about it. Remember that the point of this routine is to create a habit of tidying up regularly, not to have a perfectly clean home all the time. And involving the whole family in this process makes it feel like less of a burden and more of a team effort.



6. Kids still in the nap phase? Re-claim that nap time! I am a staunch advocate of keeping nap times strictly for my own endeavors, hobbies or whims; I do whatever fills my cup and replenishes me. Save the chores for when the kids are awake and make nap time about YOU.



Tidying up with kids doesn’t have to be a nightmare. By establishing a routine, making it fun, creating a designated space, making it a learning opportunity, and rewarding their efforts, you’ll find that tidying can actually be an enjoyable activity for the whole family. So, make a commitment to spending a little bit of time each day to tidy and reset your living space as a family. I promise, it will pay off in the long run with a happier and more harmonious home.



Happy tidying!
